Companies and employers are now very focused towards ensuring maximum employee engagement as it leads to more motivated teams in the workplace. Employee engagement process comprises distribution of job, training and development program for employees and appraisal methods.
Job distribution program starts as soon as the employee enters the organization. They are placed in the department where they can utilize their skills and learning efficiently. Once the basic formalities are completed, the employee is made aware about his job responsibilities and expectations.
Then the employee is provided with some basic training required to use the system and get enrolled for work. Later, employees are also given department and skill specific trainings to enhance and grow them professionally. Lastly, the focus shifts to the appraisal program as it is very critical towards the development of the employee in conjunction with the organization.
Hiring process
It is filling the vacant position with the best possible skill set that we can find in the market in any of the candidates. HR’s recruitment process helps the companies to hire the best talent based on their skills and attitude towards work as it defines how well the candidate will gel in the organization.
Managing performance
Performance management is the best tool to analyze how much closer an employee has reached in achieving the company’s target. It is a strategic approach which shows effectiveness and efficiency of both employees and the organization as a whole. It’s an on-going process which establishes new goals and objectives keeping in mind the company’s success which is the ultimate objective.
It includes planning, monitoring and reviewing feedback in order to develop new technologies and strategies to achieve maximum production.
Performance standards of the job
These are some achievable parameters set for the representatives on which premise work implementation is evaluated. These parameters are evaluated on the basis of job role and the duties linked with it. It monitors behaviors and action of the employees also as to how they react in a particular situation to deal with it. The results are observed and norms are set accordingly. The standards have different rankings based on the employee performance which are used as a measure to estimate results.
Employee self-evaluation is very essential for the organization as this is the self-realization stage for the employee in terms of their performance at work. This helps the employee to set goals and objectives for themselves and for their future career. It helps the employee to explore their capabilities and push themselves to new limits. Employees’ achievements and efforts should be noted down to celebrate them and they should be motivated to work harder.
Training and development programs
It is the individual and team wise plan that the management designs in order to get an effective outcome of work. This enhances the effectiveness and growth of the company. Providing training and development to the employees improves skills, performance and overall personality of the employees. To select the right type of training, you need to first evaluate their skills and then find out which training will suit them best to make their work more efficient. Later, discuss the training program with the employees and inform them how to improve themselves. The outcome of the training should be reflected in employee’s self-development and the yearly appraisal.
Performance Appraisal form
It is the basic and most vital requirement to start the overall evaluation process. The form comprises complete details of the employee record, his/her tenure, achievements, special comments, and previous performance. It helps the management to find out the return on their investment which they made for the employees in terms of their training and development. It helps to tally the performance of all employees under one department.
Human Resource Policies
These are the guidelines which are used to run the whole system including the man power. HR policies help to run the whole organization following some essential SOPs and formal rules. It includes all guidelines from recruitment to payroll, from training and development to evaluation of employees, from appraisal to even reward programs. They help the organization to follow work in an organized and systematic order. HR policies include wages, leaves, working hours, payroll process, sick leaves, appraisal and various other policies which vary from organization to organization.