HR is responsible to manage and work towards the life cycle of employees that includes recruiting, hiring, on-boarding employees, training and development of employees, compensation and benefits, dismissal of employees etc.
The most important and valuable resource of the organization are its hard-working and dedicated employees. HR is responsible to manage this precious asset of the organization and work towards their development keeping the organization’s mission aligned.
As the business world has tremendously evolved, each department of the company has seen variety of technological advancements and changes pertaining to the modification in how a business is operated.
In old times, when there was no HR department, the working condition for the employees was worse. There was no legal body to protect these employees and they were on their own. Salary was recorded in thick registers and no technology was used. As the time passed, workers were considered human beings and their emotional and psychological needs were catered and they were provided with various training to polish their skills and capabilities. HR looks after many functions which are crucial to the company’s success and good will.
- Recruit the right match for the company: It is a very tricky job to recruit new employees. Both over qualified and under qualified are not the perfect match for the company. When a vacancy arrives, HR does proper market research to find the best medium of advertisement, the right skill set required in the candidates and how to evaluate the candidates in the interview sessions. Recruiting is massive and expensive, the HR does appropriate research before going ahead with it.
HR arranges interview, coordinates with the department head, making sure all requirements are fulfilled and paper work is done. - Training and development: There are various kinds of in-house and out-house trainings that HR is responsible to arrange and conduct successfully. Trainings are need of the time and they are very essential for the growth of employees. They make sure that all resources are present for the training sessions and feedbacks forms are also used to find ways of improvement in the upcoming training sessions.
- Managing Payroll: At the end of the day, all employees want to be compensated for their hard work and time they have invested in the organization. HR is responsible to maintain attendance record of each employee on their data bases and manage their salaries accordingly. This also includes the different types of leaves given to the employees by the companies. Making sure all taxes are periodically recorded and deducted is not as easy task at all.
- Making sure all disciplinary actions are taken: Usually HR is considered as the toughest department to deal with because they keep reminding employees the rules and regulations of the organization that employees should always follow otherwise tough disciplinary actions are taken. It is certainly not a piece of cake to maintain the decorum of the organization and ensure smooth functioning of the organization based on the rules and regulations and legal requirements. ,
If HR navigates inappropriately any employee, the company might lose its valuable employee. If navigation is done appropriately, it can result in success of an employee. - Maintain records: HR uses various software and ensures all employee records are safely enrolled. These records are mandated by law. They even help to identify the skill gap and aid the hiring process.
- Updating policies: Lawful business practices include following policies and procedures made by the government. HR makes sure the changes that happen in these policies over time are taken into consideration and taken action for. They even make sure that the local policies formed by the organization are followed throughout the organization. Sometimes policies need to be updated as a reaction to any sort of occurrence.
- Conducting a benefit analysis: Staying competitive is the prime focus when the organization wants to attract the best talent from the market. The benefits should be attractive to the candidate to give your company the preference over any other company. The benefit program should be tailored for all employees comprising of different trainings also which will contribute to the professional development of the employees.
HR department has a major contribution in setting up the organizational culture and influencing it for the good. HR cares about the employees’ well-being, considers and provides medical assistance to the employees, provides career growth opportunities and even supports continuation of studies. Trust me, HR would be the last department that you would dare to mess with. They are in literal terms the back bone of the organizations and work towards their success.