“We made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and inspired them to do good deeds” ~ Quran 21:73

AllianceMentor helps build program strategies, leverage best practices, using relevant tools and putting structure in places so that you can automate your work. They bring the experience so you don’t have to.
Their guiding principles add velocity to deal flow, GTM, business plans that align and build relationships and trust.

Founder’s note: I formed Alliance mentor because after 25 years of experience in the Strategic Partnerships I saw a need for coaching and mentoring many partners to become relevant, differentiate and grow their business. I have worked at strategic partnerships at Microsoft, Salesforce, IBM, AWS, IBM and Capgemini. There continues to be a stronger need now more than ever to scale businesses through partnerships. – MJ Khan


Building Strategic Alliances & Growth Advisory

  1. Recruiting the right partners for your business growth
  2. Creating a clear differential advantage
  3. Creating strong Sales and Channel alignment
  4. Creating solution offerings with partners
  5. Go to market and channel enablement
  6. Creating business plans and scorecard
  7. Effectively leverage corporate funding programs (MDF, co-marketing, co-sell)
  8. Defining your company’s AI strategy

Built partnerships for the following organizations


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