Generally, it has been heard and said that businesses should ensure its presence everywhere. However, it is a completely bad idea to have your presence at all platforms.
One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face is choosing the right marketing strategy and the channel to reach its target customers. The potential and target customers use a certain platform to look for the desired product, therefore wasting resources to be present at all platforms will only affect the business undesirably.
Without this basic clarity and focus on the marketing approach, it is highly impossible to reach the business drive. Having a sharp focus and then directing all the resources towards its achievement is what entrepreneurs should work on. Deciding which marketing strategies to focus on and which ones to pass on is a crucial decision. Following are some steps that can be followed to achieve clarity in decision making:
- Be aware of your strengths
It sounds easy to know what you are good at, but it is very difficult to determine it. Entrepreneurs should find their competitive advantage because that is their real strength. Once you know your strength, you know how your business will stand out and the right strategy can be planned. Energy of the business should be invested in making 2,3 most relevant strategies work for you. Focusing energy to numerous strategies will only lead to wastage of resources.
We breathe in a society where we are asked to focus on improving the weaknesses. However, it should be an 80-20 division of efforts. 80% efforts should be utilized for further enhancing the strengths and 20% of the effort and resources should be used towards improving the weaknesses.
Invest in your maker strengths and deliver such a sideral customer experience and showcase the best of your work to ask for referrals. Make your marketing language a creative tool to pave way in the industry.
- Determining what you need to say No to
You need to prioritize goals of the business in a proper timeline and make sure which opportunities are worthy of saying yes. Not all collaborations and fancy offers need to be brought into consideration. Only a few well-meaning ones are to be given importance keeping in mind where you want to see your business.
- Investing time and energy to big goalsÂ
Make sure you know where you want to see your business in the next 5 years, 10 years and next 25 years. If the planning and thinking is strategic, then only you can allocate resources accordingly.
Marketing energies should be invested in finding bigger platforms to build your own via interviews, stage speaking and contributing to major websites.
Too often, entrepreneurs are caught up with what others are doing and trying to replicate the same for their business. This is wrong as the whole time is being wasted in copying others and trying to make something work for your business which in real won’t do any miracle.
Successful entrepreneurs keep their marketing technique strategic and simple because staying consistent on the right track will lead to long term success.
Entrepreneurs should focus on bigger goals they have for their business and do intense market research before directing its resources towards the fulfillment of the respective goal.