Leadership style is considered as one of the major drivers to determine the efficient productivity of the organization. It greatly influences the overall results of the organization and infuses the values within the culture.
Three common types of leadership styles that are normally followed are democratic, autocratic and laissez faire style of leadership. The type of leadership style that is followed typically depends on the industry. Autocratic style is mostly followed in factories where there is a certain SOP which needs to be followed to produce efficiently. Whereas, democratic and laissez faire are mostly used leadership styles as they involve employees in participative role of taking decisions. Employee involvement in decision making gives them a sense of belonging towards the company and they tend to perform better.
Leaders are primary decision makers
Leaders take all the important decisions for their teams and they play a key role in employee management and performance management of their team. It mainly depends on them that how well they motivate their staff to achieve greater targets. At times, a few words of appreciation is what it takes to get the task done. It is the leader’s job to have a good know about their team mates and master the art of bringing the best out of each member. All team mates are differently capable and feel motivated by different factors. Some might perform better through verbal appreciation and some might perform better when they are given responsibilities. Some might prefer appreciation in front of the whole team and some might feel positive by a tap on the shoulder by the leader. Knowing how to motivate each member of the team and ensuring 100% productivity is the leader’s job.
Great leaders’ help companies grow out of crisis through their skill set and leadership style. Having a shared leadership style when it comes to decision making helps to generate better ideas and better input for improving the morale of the employees and their productivity.
Motivating employees through leadership style
Leadership style greatly influences the productivity of the workers. When leaders are open to all sorts of ideas especially from the front line workers as they are running the show, chances of making correct productive decisions is more. Such decisions create a win-win situation for both the leader and the workers. Giving mutual respect to each other allows better idea generation. Since the team members and team lead will work together, it creates a strong bond between them. It is the leader’s job to maintain a happy working environment which will promote efficient productivity and benefit the organization as a whole.
It all depends on the general human behavior and psychological views when it comes to choosing the best leadership style for the organization. And there is no ‘right type’ of leadership style. It all depends on the type of industry you are operating in, the nature of the work and personality of the team lead which sums up to the leadership style adopted by the leader keeping in mind the best interest for the company.